How often should I turn or flip my mattress? Tips for mattresses and metal beds

It is important to turn or flip your mattress regularly, but how often this is necessary depends on the type of mattress, its quality and your personal use. A well-maintained mattress ensures optimal sleeping comfort and a longer lifespan. In this blog, we explain why and how often you should rotate or flip your mattress.

How often should I turn or flip my mattress? Tips for mattresses and metal beds

Why turn or flip your mattress?

Turning and flipping your mattress offers several benefits, including:

  • Extending service life: An even distribution of wear prevents premature pitting.

  • Better ventilation: This prevents accumulation of moisture and keeps your mattress fresh.

  • Less pitting: Regular turning helps move pressure points.

  • Hygiene: By regularly turning or flipping your mattress, you reduce the chances of mold and dirt accumulation.

Did you know. A metal bed frame combined with a good slatted base provides optimal support and ventilation for your mattress.

What is the difference between turning and reversing?

It is important to know exactly what turning and turning mean:

Mattress turning

This means you turn the mattress 180 degrees so that the head end is on the foot end side. In other words, you rotate your mattress horizontally, leaving the top side up. You can rotate your mattress with almost any type of mattress.

Mattress turning

This means that you put the bottom of the mattress on top and vice versa. In other words, you rotate the mattress on its axis. This is possible only with a mattress that is symmetrical. Mattresses with a specific top and bottom cannot be turned. Modern mattresses often have a special comfort layer on the top, which makes turning over impossible.

How often should I turn or flip my mattress?

The frequency with which you should turn or flip your mattress depends on several factors, such as the type of mattress and your usage. Below we explain:

1. Foam mattresses

Foam mattresses, such as polyether foam, cold foam, latex and memory foam, are more prone to pitting than pocket spring mattresses.

  • Polyether foam: Turn and flip your mattress every 2 months.

  • Cold foam: Turn your mattress every 3 months. Turning is usually not possible because of buildup.

  • Latex mattress: A latex mattress is slightly firmer than other foam mattresses. Rotate this mattress every 3 months.

  • Memory foam: Turn your mattress every 3 months. Turning is usually not possible because of the special pressure-reducing properties on the top.

2. Pocket spring mattresses

Pocket springs retain their resilience, but the foam layers on top of the springs may dimple.

  • With polyether foam layer: rotate and turn your mattress every 3 months.

  • With cold foam, latex or memory foam layer: Turn your mattress every 6 months. Turning is usually not possible due to the specific comfort layer.

3. Box spring mattresses

A box spring mattress lies atop a springy base, which provides extra support. Still, it is wise to rotate these mattresses regularly as well:

  • Standard box spring mattress: rotate your mattress every 3 months.

  • Box spring with topper: rotate both mattress and topper every 3 months, but at different times to distribute wear.

Influence of user factors

The use of your mattress also plays a role in how often you need to turn or flip your mattress:

Body Weight

A 100 kg user puts more strain on a mattress than someone weighing 50 kg. With a higher body weight, it is wise to turn or flip your mattress more often.

Perspiration and moisture

Those who perspire a lot would do well to turn the mattress more often. This promotes the evaporation of absorbed moisture, especially with box springs, which do not ventilate as well as slatted bases. In addition, make sure your bedroom is well ventilated for fresh air.

Sleeping alone or together

Sleeping together often creates two separate pits. Turning regularly gives the other side of your mattress a chance to recover and return to its original shape.

Practical tips for turning and flipping your mattress

How do you rotate a mattress easily?

  1. Remove all bedding and any mattress cover or flannel.

  2. Lift the mattress on both sides and rotate it 180 degrees so that the head end is at the foot end.

  3. Let the mattress air out for a while before putting the bedding back on.

How do you turn a mattress correctly?

  1. Remove all bedding.

  2. Lift the mattress and turn it over so that the bottom is on top.

  3. First, check that your mattress is symmetrical and can be turned.

Handy mnemonic

Mark your mattress with seasons: 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn', 'Winter' on the four corners. This way, you will always know which side of your mattress to lie on according to the current season.

Special attention to different mattress types

New mattress

A new mattress needs time to adjust to your body. Therefore, rotate and/or turn it more often (every 2 months) during the first year to ensure an even impression.

Mattress with questionable quality

If you find that your mattress potholes easily, it is wise to turn or flip it more often. This can extend the average lifespan somewhat, but in time, consider buying a new one with better quality.

Mattress on which children jump

Children jumping on the bed put extra strain on your mattress. In this case, we recommend turning or flipping your mattress monthly to better distribute the pressure.

Protecting mattress: additional tips to extend life

Besides turning and flipping your mattress regularly, there are other ways to extend the life of your mattress:

  1. Use a mattress cover: A waterproof but breathable mattress cover protects against moisture, stains and dust mites.

  2. Ventilate regularly: Let your mattress breathe every night before making the bed.

  3. Avoid direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can degrade materials.

  4. Avoid eating in bed: Crumbs attract pests and can promote mold.

  5. Vacuum regularly: This removes dust, dander and other allergens.

When should you stop turning and turning?

There are situations when it is better not to turn or reverse:

  • If your mattress shows obvious signs of wear and tear that can no longer be remedied

  • When the padding or springs are damaged

  • If there is no improvement after turning or twisting

  • When the mattress no longer contributes to a good night's sleep despite regular maintenance

In these cases, it's time to invest in a new mattress for optimal sleep comfort.

Summary: How often do you turn and flip mattresses?

Regularly turning or flipping your mattress extends its life and ensures a fresh and comfortable sleeping surface. On average, it is recommended to turn or flip your mattress every 3 to 6 months, depending on the type of mattress:

  • Foam mattresses: Every 2-3 months

  • Pocket spring mattresses: Every 3-6 months

  • Box springs: every 3 months

Not sure how often to rotate your mattress? Look at the type of mattress you have and adjust the frequency based on your personal situation. If in doubt, we are happy to give you custom advice.


By regularly turning and, if possible, flipping your mattress, you can significantly extend its life and maintain its comfort. This way, you can enjoy a good night's sleep every night on a well-supporting mattress. Maintaining your mattress is a small effort for a big effect.

Do you have questions about the maintenance of your specific type of mattress? Feel free to contact us for personalized advice.

Discover our mattresses here: